Divorce Counseling

Divorce Counseling For Divorcing Parents

When couples begin the process of separation and/or divorce, it can be incredibly difficult to navigate the new relationship, especially when children are involved. Divorce counseling at Equilibria uses co-parent coaching to anticipate the inevitable changes and also provide the tools necessary to manage the transitions and rough patches that naturally occur when family dynamics shift during this difficult period.

Who Benefits from Co-Parent Coaching?

Co-parent coaching is especially beneficial for parents who are separated or divorced and are struggling to find common ground in parenting their shared children. Current research indicates that the number one predictor of a child’s success after their parents’ divorce is how well their parents get along. Even though the parents are no longer married, they need a basic relationship and functional communication capabilities in the interest of the children.

Co-parent coaching/counseling helps separated or divorced couples navigate this process and develop the skills necessary to help reduce the negative impact on the child or children.

The Process of Divorce Counseling

The process of divorce counseling is very unique to the couple. However, every coaching or counseling engagement begins with a thorough evaluation of the issues at hand and establishing the ultimate parenting goals that each parent would like to address and accomplish. With this information, coaching or counseling is shaped to work toward these goals together in an effective and efficient manner and in a way that eases the transition for everyone in the family.

Why Co-Parent Coaching Works

This type of coaching can be incredibly effective because it allows parents to find common ground on how to best parent their children while no longer being in a romantic relationship.

When Does Co-Parent Coaching For Divorcing Parents Take Place?

Our Philadelphia counselors will determine a convenient time for the co-parent coaching to take place. We understand your busy lifestyles and would like to decide on a convenient time to meet and accommodate your schedules.

Schedule an Appointment for Divorce Counseling

If you would like to meet or talk with one of our therapists in the Philadelphia area about divorce counseling call us at (267) 861-3685, option 1; or fill out our contact form.